Facilitating a Leadership Pioneer Valley reflection session on place & purpose with Mass Collaborative.
“The answer is always in the room.”
The reality of having every need met can seem far-fetched. Until you experience a convening that demonstrates the power of self-organizing and thriving.
Our times have brought about a state of affairs culturally, socially, and economically that is frightening and traumatic. When communities—regardless of their constructs—can engage, share, and learn from one another, possibilities become stepping stones for monumental change. Our hands are not bound by external forces. Our communities can thrive through intentional gatherings.
It’s time to get back to collective magic making.
I hold space for fellowship to unfold and expand. The process is iterative. The common thread between participants is perseverance. My background as a performing artist informs how gatherings can become transformational experiences. I pay attention to the in-between; the sparks that surface through deep dialogue and collective intuition. Unlearning breaks the habitual patterns and opinions that cause anxious fixation.
Forms of change include business/ life planning workshops for creative folk, business framing, fundraising events, and civic engagement. Everyday citizens can become their own catalysts for change.
““We are a community of possibilities, not a community of problems. Community exists for the sake of belonging and takes its identity from the gifts, generosity, and accountability of its citizens. It is not defined by its fears, its isolation, or its penchant for retribution.
We currently have all the capacity, expertise, programs, leaders, regulations, and wealth required to end unnecessary suffering and create an alternative future.” ”