Over the past six years, Cofab has been awash in a roiling mix of stressful work, life changes, side projects, and ongoing efforts to formalize our business. We brought Seth in to guide our journey into the undefined wilderness of company ethos, mission, and overall foundation.
Through conversational, visual, and reflective techniques we captured key data and organized it in a plethora of ways. Seth is always listening, thinking, and adjusting the process.
We covered and captured more ground in one Retreat with Seth than we had in six years of previous attempts.
This is a unique way of eliciting, analyzing, and synthesizing information across the emotional-practical spectrum. Seth's process is based in play from which emerges a constant stream of usable insights. We were able to look at our past, present, and future(s) and answer the tough questions (Why? What? How?).
Understanding our business and selves is fractal. Seth held the looking glass, increasing the resolution to see many more layers. We realize the foundation we need to shore up day-to-day operations and create the culture we want to see in our ecosystem.
/ Mike stone, cofab design, designing & making PHYSICAL products that signify change /